Friday, August 28, 2015

Sleep probs

Here we go with Rhett's sleep shenanigans that began in January, and can still currently be a problem.  He could climb out of his crib, so he got out anytime he wanted.  He ended up in bed with us or on the couch or playing in his room or closet or in the books or in the playroom or in the pantry...if he wandered around after we had gone to bed, he usually helped himself to something in the kitchen.  I have found apple cores, popsicle sticks, candy wrappers, fruit snack wrappers, all kinds of evidence anywhere from in his crib to in his closet to up the stairs to in the laundry room where he got in our junk drawer and used the scissors to open the packages.  One time I opened the fridge to find an empty package of cheese slices and his assisting scissors in the crisper.  I don't know how many were in there, but he ate them all.  Once he got in the pantry and dumped out an entire thing of sprinkles in the floor.  One time he helped himself to a tub of ice cream in the freezer.  It was crazy!  Most nights we would still be up when he came down, and we would put him back to bed, sometimes repeatedly.  I tried spanking.  I tried sitting outside his door.  I tried lying down with him until he fell asleep.  And sometimes I just caved because I was too tired and let him snuggle on the couch.  "I just want a little snuggle, Mama," he would say.  And it didn't help that he became extremely afraid of the dark.  We leave the closet light on, night lights, sometimes a lamp.  And some nights he's fine, and doesn't get up at all.  But it's like once he's freaked himself out, he will do anything not to go to sleep alone in his eat through the entire kitchen.  Here are times he's finally given it up, or maybe I have given up...
It's hard to resist these snuggles

Many times I have come to bed to find this, and I didn't even know he was in there.  Here we go up the stairs.

I tried talking him into getting in ME's bed.  They slept together a few times, and then she kicked him out because he kept her awake.

I don't know why he is wearing my hat in my bed, but he is.

I think this was Oscar night on the couch.

He was mouth breathing on me.

I did let him sleep with me at Mia's house.

Can't complain too much about this.

Mommy is always open to snuggle time in the morning.

I haven't taken so many sleeping pictures of him since he was a baby.
Get to your own bed Rhett!  It's a little better now that he is in a big bed, but sometimes he just won't go down.

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