Monday, January 30, 2012

Orange Leaf Treat

On Saturday, Mary Ella and I got out of the house together for a bit. I really treasure our one-on-one time now more than ever! We had lunch at Chick-fil-A, shopped and played at Sweet Dreams, and had frozen yogurt at Orange Leaf. I am sooo excited we have one in Madison now, and within walking distance from our house! That is trouble!

Another treat...this is how hungry Brad is from his diet. He made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for himself (and us) this weekend from SCRATCH! Ha! And they were good! I am so proud of him for trying to be healthier. He has been doing the grocery shopping and most of the cooking. I'm thinking I might lose weight too. And, yes, I did get to the gym this past time is a start right?
I'm trying to take some pictures of my kids together each week, and Sundays are a good day because they're all spiffed up. Doesn't Rhett look fat and happy? He wore his sweet matching sweater and booties to church that Gigi got him. He looks a little more like he should be wearing football pads than a fancy crocheted sweater. Ha!

Sweet babies!

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