Okay, so I know my third trimester is not over, and I probably wasn't right on my week count for the second trimester. But the truth is I haven't opened a pregnancy book this time, and with Mary Ella I think I read 4 and kept a pregnancy journal. Poor Rhett is already disadvantaged. ;) I just wanted to go ahead and post a few things I want to remember about this pregnancy, and let's face it, if I wait any closer to the end it probably won't be anything positive. Ha! I'll try to remember to wrap it up with a photo before we go to the hospital...if I remember.
- I have basically felt great the whole time! No morning sickness, no heartburn, just tiiiiirrrreeeddd by the end of the day.
- I am at the exact same weight I was with Mary Ella at this point, which means I've gained 5 less pounds with Rhett than I did with her because I started out 5 pounds heavier. Weight gain so far: 15 pounds...that really seems crazy to me because I've felt bigger all along this time!
- Rhett became active early and has stayed that way! Sometimes it feels like he is pushing out with all limbs with all his might! I can tell now when he has hiccups. So sweet!
- I did my best exercising during my 2nd trimester, which was the same as my first pregnancy. This time I did yoga and water aerobics, but now I'm too tired. Taking care of big sister is my exercise!
- I also ate healthier with Mary Ella. I haven't really craved anything terrible with Rhett, I have just been a pig the whole time. I eat when I'm hungry and eat whatever sounds good.
- I have been on a spicy kick the whole pregnancy: cherry peppers, Tabasco, salsa, spice it up!
- I feel so unprepared for his arrival, and I would probably freak out if I went into labor early. But the truth is, we're way ahead of where we were last time at this point. We were still living in our apartment in Little Rock and had only been in our house 10 days when ME came on the scene. I need to convince myself I'm ready!
- I'm starting to get uncomfortable. When I say I'm tired Brad says, "Why don't you go lay down?" He doesn't understand that it's not comfortable to lay down or sit down or stand up. I don't know how many more good nights of sleep I have left. It hurts so bad to turn over in bed. It feels like my belly is a big hard ball and if I move I'm going to pull a muscle. Needless to say I'm feeling the stress in my back, hips, and groin. Ouch!
- I have somehow skipped the sciatica pain that I had go down my legs during my last pregnancy. I have a few twinges of something, but I'm thankful it's not much. I don't like that feeling!
- My hair has been terrible! It is so dry, and I don't know why. Normally you have great hair during pregnancy because of the prenatal vitamins, right? I have always had to wash my hair every day because it gets oily so fast. But now I can go 2-3 days it is so dry. Not that I should, but if I'm just going to be around the house sometimes I don't wash it just to save it from being blown dry and straightened again. I fear it may all break or fall out when Rhett gets here...that's usually when the bad hair happens. My skin has been dry too! I had rosy red cheeks for about a week after a brief temperature change. It hurt like wind burn, but I guess it was just dry skin. Crazy!
- I have LOVED seeing Mary Ella grow and learn more about her brother. She still calls her girl baby dolls "baby Rhett" and takes such good care of them. I love to see her kiss and hug and pat them and can only imagine how my heart will melt when it's him. She kisses and hugs my tummy, brings him toys and snacks, covers him with a blanket, and randomly says, "I want to see baby Rhett." I wasn't sure what she would think about his crib and his room, but I think she gets that it's all his and not hers. She plays with his toys (her baby toys), but she is quick to tell you that "baby Rhett will play with that." And she doesn't have a problem putting them back in his room. She loves riding his rocking horse, and when I ask whose horse it is she says, "It's baby Rhett's." Surely this is a good sign! I think she is going to do great and love him to death! I also know he is going to think she is the best thing ever! We can't wait to see you sweet Rhett! I would do it all again and go through anything to get you here safe and sound. Stay put and grow for a few more weeks, and we will see you soon!
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