Mary Ella,
You are AMAZING! You have to be the cutest, smartest, sweetest little girl ever! Ha! It seems like you are doing something new everyday, and we are having so much fun! Every new month is my new favorite age, so you are just getting better and better baby! Here's what you've been up to:
- You weigh about 25 lbs. and are around 30 in. tall.
- You are wearing mostly 18 month clothes and size 5 shoes!
- You are still a good eater. I'm glad you like cheese and yogurt because you still don't like milk. Dr. Ahart said to keep trying. We have tried chocolate milk, vanilla soy milk, strawberry milk, but no luck yet. You also don't like potatoes, which is so weird to me. French fries, yes, but no mashed potatoes, stewed potatoes, roasted potatoes or anything but fried.
- You still are very passionate about your food. Ha! You clap, throw your hands up, and squeal when it's coming. You also get upset when something doesn't go your way at meal time. I don't normally give you Pop Tarts, but I have when I am running low on breakfast food. I pinch off small pieces for you, and you like it, but they are so messy! The other morning I didn't have alot of options, and we were in a hurry, so I thought I would just give you a whole Pop Tart. I knew you could hold it and bite it, and I thought it might not get as crumbly and messy that way. It was working, but you were getting bites that I thought were too big. So I came over to tear it up for you. I wasn't taking it away, but you wanted to eat it whole and got so mad! You scrunched it up in both of your hands, threw some over the edge of the high chair, and smashed the rest in your eye. Geez! We are going to have to work on manners and controlling the temper, temper.
- On a milder note, you have finally started using sign language for "more." That's polite, right?
- You still have 2 teeth on top and 3 on bottom. You have been cutting your molars and 3 of them have broken through. So now you have 8 total!
- You are walking everywhere! All over the house, in and out of rooms. You can get away from me in a flash! You usually head straight to your room and start pulling out books to look at. At the end of the day there is a trail of toys and books through our house to sort and put away. :)
- Favorite books: Thank you God, Peter Rabbit Sleeps, Quiet Loud, Numbers, Baby Einstein Books
- Favorite toys: Anything with a handle that you can put stuff in and carry around, your food and cooking stuff, and you like carrying around stuffed animals and hugging them
- New body parts you know: belly, belly button, hands, fingers, toes
- New words: Gigi, nana (banana), ball, and I know I've heard you say horsie and oopsie
- Old McDonald has been one of your favorite songs for a while. I can run out of farm animals before you get tired of hearing it. And you have tried to sing E, I, E, I for a while. And now you can put it all together E, I, and O!
- Lately I have realized just how many words you know! You can point to all of these when I say them in your First 100 Words book: apple, banana, baby, car, ball, cup, flower, teddy bear, book, duck, horse, bunny, kitty, puppy, pig, cow, fish, frog.
- The other day I was cooking in the kitchen and I said, "Where's your teapot?" You took off to your cooking stuff and came right back with it! I was amazed! I have called it that and sung the song, but I had no idea that was a word you connected with! You can also pretend to drink and eat your play food. I see lots of tea parties in our future!
- You like to throw and kick your pink ball. I am amazed that you kick it around like you do!
- You watched your first Disney movie this month on the way home from Fayetteville- Sleeping Beauty. I was amazed that you were interested in the whole thing. I am so glad that a DVD player was on our mind for you when we bought that car 5 years ago!
- You are starting to give hugs as well as kisses.
- Horses and pigs are your favorite animals. You are obsessed with pigs and point out every Razorback in our house, on our clothes, hats, etc.
- You love going to story hour at the library. Your favorite part is when they turn on the music and give you an instrument to play and dance around with.
- You really like playing with the kids at Bible study, Bible class, and Lifegroup.
- We have also started having weekly playdates with Sterling, and I think you really enjoy her.
- You are keeping me on my toes these days, but I am loving every minute of it! Happy 14 months and a couple more pictures...
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