Rhett's hair was a mess. So much had fallen out that it was spotty at best. The long part was super long, and the new stuff was super short. I got tired of looking at it and hearing comments about it. And frankly, he's needed a haircut since birth, so Sunday afternoon we were sitting on the couch and I asked Brad if he could just trim the back of it. Right at the base of the neck....think rat tail, people. So, before I had time to change my mind, I stripped him down and plopped him in the Bumbo on the kitchen counter. After we made SURE we had the longest attachment, Brad trimmed the back. And then it looked so much better it just went from there. He did the sides, top, all over. And then we decided to go one shorter. It looks so much better! He even shaved his neck!
This was just a small portion of what came off.
Since it was so impromptu, I didn't get a before picture and I put the camera down to assist, but I did take this after picture. He did so good, and it looks so much more even!
This picture was taken after Rhett's first hair cut, but I'll post about that later...
This week Rhett was still stuffy, so we didn't do much except for get ready for Gigi and Papa to come over the weekend. Mary Ella was so excited Thursday when she knew they were coming! Every sound she heard she said, "Did you hear that? It's Gigi and Papa!" Oma came too, and as I was downloading these pictures I realized I did not get one of her! We had a great time doing nothing but eating and visiting and playing and loving on kiddos. Thank y'all for coming! And thanks especially for the date night! Brad and I got to go out and eat AND go to a movie Saturday night. It was fabulous!
Poor boy is so sweet, but he just couldn't sleep good because of his nose. It makes me thank my lucky stars that he is such a good sleeper normally!
One of my favorite things is getting in bed with Mary Ella when she wakes up in the morning or after nap and cuddling and talking with her. Now Rhett gets to get in on the lovin' too, and it is such a sweet time!
Well, sometimes it is just too much for him! ;)
She is still hanging on to her tiara and Valentine balloon daily.
Sweet profile
Papa sneaking in some nap time with the little man. Or big man I should say...the fam seems to think he is HUGE! And I guess he is because according to our scale he's almost 18 lbs!
Mary Ella and Gigi "reading" her Bible.
Sunday after Bible class I asked her what she learned about and she said, "Daniel and the Lion King." Ha! I asked her what happened, and she said the lions ate him. Guess we need to work on that one!
Just hangin out with the babies
We had gorgeous weather all weekend, so Saturday we decided to take a walk to Orange Leaf. Who walks outside to get frozen yogurt in February? Only in Mississippi!
On Monday while Brad was home, Mary Ella and I got out and had a little mommy/daughter morning. We went to Babies R Us for baby stuff, Belk for make-up, found Rhett some Polo at Tjmaxx, and found a cute bathing suit and bunny shirt on sale at Old Navy for ME. Every time we go there she is enthralled with the mannequins. It is pretty funny!
Bringing a ball to play with the little girl
Zipping his jacket
One of the gang
Then we went to Corner Bakery for a very silly lunch.
We had a very lazy week at home this week. Both kids were snotty, and it rained almost every day so we just didn't feel like getting out. I was planning on trying to get Rhett in his room in his crib this week, but I couldn't bare to let him cry it out when he was already stuffy. He really has still been his happy, sweet self. He has found some new sounds he can make and has been talking up a storm. It cracks me up because sometimes he is so solemn, but when he wants to talk he wants to talk! And if you're not looking at him, he knows how to get your attention with his goos and oohs.
Monday we had to take Brad to get an injection in his back, so we pulled out the rain boots and off we went.
Kicking in her boots
Rhett was so sweet for the 4 1/2 hours we had to wait. Mary Ella only had 1 meltdown (during her nap time)!
Sweet boy
We pulled out the bumbo this week!
This is what little miss looked like most of the week: pjs, mismatched shoes, and she has carried that balloon around everywhere. Boy is she proud of her Valentines from Daddy! And don't let me forget the tiara. Yes, it's "tiara" now instead of crown!
Love this!
Happy boy!
One night before supper we did mani/pedis and played with the stick-on jewels Mia put in her stocking.