Okay, so here's more info about the pregnancy so far. I'll try not to share too much, and I'll post pictures unless I get too fat and scary. In that case, I'll spare you and my pride. So... I knew I wanted to have babies about 2 years apart. My brother and I are 4 1/2 years, and we have always gotten along great and are close friends. But I have always loved the dynamic in Brad's family. He has a sister, Julie, 2 years older, then there's him (he has absolutely no middle child tendencies HA!), and then he has a brother, Randy, that's 2 years younger. I'm sure it was hard at times on Rita raising three children so close in age, but it sure it fun when they grow up together! We have a blast hanging out with Julie and Mike and Randy and Lindsay. They were our best friends when we lived in Springdale. We did stuff together all the time. We all got married fairly close together, and we now we are all having babies together. Well, Julie was ahead of us on the marriage and baby thing. And even Randy and Lindsay had kids before us. But this baby will be number 6 of the bunch, and the oldest is almost 7. So they are all close in age! Plus, I have watched Anna and Trey (18 months apart) be the best of friends and play so well together. So, I was pretty set on the 2 year thing. Now, I did not in any way have baby fever or get bored with Mary Ella or even think I needed something more. It's still a little sad to think about taking any time away from her at this point. But I know she will enjoy having a sibling so close in age, and I knew we definetely wanted more than one child, so I just felt like it was time to get the ball rolling. But then the whole moving thing came up again. Ugh! Not a good time. So we waited until we had our housing situation all lined up and went for it. And thank you Lord for blessing us again! I knew I was pregnant before I even took the test because when I would roll over in bed I would get pains from that big muscle thingy that stretches. Scary, but true. I took the test one afternoon when Brad was out of town. He was coming home that night, so I waited until the last minute to find out for sure. When he got home I had Mary Ella bring him the stick. He was excited, but pretty much had the "deer in the headlights" look I remember from the first time. Ha! This was in between Orlando and Nashville, so I made my first doctors appointment for the week we got back. Our friends from Kentucky were in town the week of my appointment, so I went ahead and told Kimberly (along with a few other friends to pray for me). And she told me she was pregnant too! Would you believe we are due on the exact same day? Crazy! Anyway, Brad and ME went to my 8 week appointment, and we got to see and hear the baby's heartbeat. What a relief and a blessing! I have been more worried this time than I was before, just because I have had so many friends with complications. So, I guess I'm more aware of what can go wrong. And I had the smoothest, easiest possible pregnancy with ME, so it's hard for me to believe this one could be as good to me. But everything looked great at my 12 week appointment Monday. It is such a relief to get through that first trimester! How have I been feeling? Pretty much the usual, tired and a little yucky. I never got truly sick with ME, but I did have some nausea and the "nothing sounds good" appetite. But this time, I want to eat everything in the house! I have been SO hungry. Thankfully that has slacked up because that was heading nowhere good, and I'm feeling really great at 12 weeks. I definitely feel pregnant by the end of the day! When I look at the pictures above all I can think is, "Wow, I really need a tan!" and "I really wish I had gotten in better shape before I got pregnant again." I am starting out 5 pounds heavier than I did with her, and I can't even blame that on baby weight. I lost that in 2 weeks and was back in my Seven jeans at 3 weeks. I'm not bragging, it just happened thanks to nursing. And then when I had to quit nursing, I just kept eating like I was and never got back in the gym. I had good intentions, really. It just didn't happen with a baby. I got back into a good routine after we moved back here, but my doctor has put a hault to body pump and everything that gets my heartrate over 120, which is basically anything. So, I'm thinking I might join the old folks at water aerobics. Might be fun! ANYWAY, I would go through anything and gain 100 pounds if it meant the end result would be a healthy baby. I am actually thankful for such a conservative doctor that takes good care of me and my baby. I love Dr. Cole! I missed her so much when we moved...now we get to be bff's again! I go back in 4 weeks for a regular check-up and again 2 weeks later for an ultrasound. Looks like we will find out if this baby Harriman is a "he" or a "she" in just 6 short weeks. Again, thank you God for every good and perfect gift! We are beyond blessed and are so excited about our growing family!
A 5-Day Devotional Just For You!
2 weeks ago
You look great!! I can't wait til you find out boy or girl!!! So exciting!!!!