Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Office

Daddy has a nice, new office in Ridgeland. It's only 5 minutes from our apartment and will still be just down the road from our new house. That means lots of lunch dates- going out or in! Today we took sandwiches for a little picnic in the break room. I also needed to sign some paperwork for the mortgage company. We have made it through the inspection and appraisal process, so we are on our way to owning a new home! Don't have a closing date yet, but we're hoping it will be in a few weeks. Yay!
ME gets silly when we go visit Daddy!

Cutting those eyes
This is an interesting, new face!


  1. So glad he'll be so close to y'all during the day!

  2. the new face is fantastic. that girl of yours is too sweet!
