Tuesday, February 22, 2011


We are homeowners! For the 4th time! Four houses with four apartments in between equals three moves across statelines in less than eight years of marriage. Whew! It went something like this: Arkansas-Mississippi-Arkansas-Mississippi. Makes me tired just thinking about it! Moving is alot of work, but getting everything settled and in its place is my favorite part! We love our new home, and it has some history. The neighborhood is just across the street from our old neighborhood. It is a newer subdivision, and when houses started being built I drove through often to check it out. Brad and I made a hobby out of looking at open houses when we lived in Madison before. It's not that we were unhappy in our home, we just liked looking and getting ideas and dreaming bigger for the future. So, I first visited this house in 2007 right after it was built. I fell in love with it! And with the builder. He has such good taste, kind of like me, ha! Anyway, he kept building in the neighborhood, so I would drive through and try to get in to see his houses, but sometimes they would sell before they were finished. He is very popular! I knew one day I wanted to either buy one of his homes or have him build for us. So, I always remembered this house as my first introduction to Ken Crusoe. And when we found out we were moving, I was thrilled to find it on the market! I tried not to get my hopes up, because so much could have gone wrong. But I secretly imagined us moving in here all along to psyche myself up about the move. Now I feel so blessed to call it our home!!! God has truly taken care of us each time we have taken a leap of faith. He has blessed us with wonderful church homes, Christian friends, amazing jobs, one very fine little munchkin, and beautiful homes. Can't wait to make it home-y!
Mary Ella checking out her new room!

And her very own bathroom!

And her new closet!

Silly girl
She is loving running through the empty house like a wild woman! Tonight we got some help from friends with moving our stuff out of the apartment. Tomorrow ME and I will probably spend the day at the house unpacking that stuff and trying to figure out furniture arrangement before the movers come on Thursday. So excited!

I am sad to say I cannot end this post on a happy note. My heart is breaking for some very dear friends of ours that lost their baby at almost 14 weeks pregnant. I don't know if I should mention names, but please say a prayer right NOW. God knows who you are talking about.

1 comment:

  1. love the house! gorgeous!!! dying to see what you do with it, sister. me is beyond precious, as always. i'm crushed about our sweet friend. we had dinner last week and i have been SO excited for her. i know God has a plan, but this part has been tough to swallow. i can't even imagine how she feels ... praying hard.
