Mary Ella,
I can hardly believe we will be celebrating your 2nd birthday in just 4 short months! You bring joy to everyone around you, and we are having more fun than ever. Happy 20 months baby girl! Here's what you've been up to:
- Fruit snacks are your favorite food right now. You would eat a whole box if I let you! You feed yourself everything now. You get mad if we even try to help you.
- New words: bubble, Bible, snack, snake, bird, cupcake, cookie, goodbye, stop, berry, apple, mine, Reese, hop, remote (Dada), knee, elbow, boo boo, hot dog, wash, hippo, Birch, water (wawa), home, bee, puppy
- You are beginning to put words together like "night night Mama," "Mama, Dada cheese," and Daddy gets you to say, "I love you, Dada." It is so sweet!
- You love to chase and be chased all over the house.
- Your new favorite toy is your Mickey Mouse push/ride toy. Trey brought it to you, which is so special because he only recently stopped riding it. Ha!
- You love to sing and dance. I tell you to sing a song, and you make up your own tune and then clap and cheer for yourself.
- You love shoes! While I take my shower, you are content playing in my closet and trying on shoes. And it's amazing that you get them on the right feet and can walk!
- You have gotten lots of bumps and bruises this month. You followed Audrey halfway up the stairs and then rolled down, which resulted in a bruise on your cheek and forehead. And you fell and scraped your knee in the driveway. You still say "boo, boo, ow ow" and point to it.
- You talk pretty much all day long. You wake up talking and pointing to stuff you can say. And if you're not talking, you're running, jumping, or twirling.
- You are a busy, busy bee, and we love trying to keep up with you!
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