Thursday, July 21, 2011

Seagrove Beach 2011

It will probably take more than a few posts to get through our beach vacation with the Marvins and Hannah, but this was our first day. Well our very first day was a 9 hour car trip, that should have taken less than 6. Traffic was crazy, but thankfully the kids were great! We all fit in our suburban and pulled into town just in time to eat at Pizza by the Sea and stock up on groceries for the week. We will probably never go back to the beach the week of the 4th because it was so crowded, but we had so much fun!
Last year Mary Ella was not a fan of the sand, but this year she loved it all! Sand, ocean, waves. She had a blast!
I didn't get alot of pictures of all three kids on the beach together. Anna likes to do her own thing: a little boogie boarding, some beach gymnastics. But Trey was Mary Ella's sand buddy.
This was ME conked out after day 1 of the beach. She would not take a nap on the way down, plus we were up late, and she got up early, so the poor thing was behind on sleep before we ever got started. We layed her down for a late nap this day and had to wake her up for supper.
Not wanting to wake up. Most days she got up before anyone else (Brad and I took turns crawling out of bed) and by the time we all got up, ate, got ready, fixed lunches, and got to the beach she was ready for a nap. But she just kept going and going. She would not nap at the beach like last year.
Sleepy-eyed, but awake
This was the night of July 3rd. We watched fireworks from the beach, and Brad and the kids chased crabs.
The Marvins

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