Thursday, August 23, 2012

9 Months

I'm 9 months old!
This boy is on the go...impossible to get a good pic!

Sweet Rhett,
I love the above picture!  It is so you!  Big eyes, happy smile, going full speed at whatever you're trying to do.  You are getting to be such a big boy!  I CANNOT believe we are approaching your first birthday.  My oh my, will time please slow down?!?!  Until next month, here's what you've been up to:
  • I am behind on this post because I've been waiting to get your official stats.  Drum roll, please... You weigh 24 pounds 12 ounces (90th) and are 29.5 inches (75th).  You are one big boy! 
  • You are eating and drinking the same, but still growing like a weed!  You wear 12-18 month clothes.
  • You love puffs and mum mums.
  • You still take 2 good naps, but can go with one if we are out during your morning nap. 
  • You finally rolled from back to belly when you were 8 1/2 months old.  Finally!
  • Then one day after your 9 month birthday you decided to start crawling.  You crawled across the kitchen that day while sister and I decorated sugar cookies.  You stopped to lick and bite every chair leg along the way.  You're not able to get your tummy lifted to crawl on hands and knees, but you pull yourself where you want to go.  You can get up on all fours, but when you try to move forward the belly drops.
  • You put everything in your mouth!  I have had to dig out a few things, including a rock from our fireplace.  Yikes!  You have a basket of toys by the fireplace and that is where you play on your blanket.  I put you down there one morning and was getting dressed in my bathroom when Mary Ella came in and told me you were playing with the rocks in the fireplace.  She knows this is a no no!  So, I ran in, and there were rocks on the floor and in both of your fists.  I went straight for your mouth, and sure enough, you had one in there.  I scooped it out, and kissed any freedom I may have had before you were mobile goodbye.  So, you are no longer contained on a blanket...I will not be able to leave you for a second! 
  • You want to pull up so badly, but just can't quite get there.  Since you have been trying to crawl and stand up, you are not exactly the content Rhett that we know.  You grunt and squirm if we hold you because you want down, but when you're down you get frustrated when you can't do what you want.  I'm sure it's just a phase and you'll figure it all out soon.
  • We lowered your crib this month.
  • You have visited Bible class a few times when Mommy teaches.
  • You clap your hands when we say, "clap your hands" or "yay Rhett" or even "good job."
  • You also discovered you have a thumb and try to snap your fingers or wave or something with it.
  • You also found your man parts.  Enough said.
  • You jump in your exersaucer (and almost take it down) when we say, "jump, jump, jump."
  • You love to sing and jump to Five Little Monkeys.
  • You love the book Butterfly Kisses and crack up at the butterfly puppet.
  • There is nothing better than your kisses and hugs.  You are selective with when you give them, but it is always worth the wait. 
  • You love to wrestle ME's giant caterpillar and purple bunny. 
  • Your favorite toys are not toys at all: remote control, water bottle, sunglasses, iPhone...anything you shouldn't have.
  • You enjoy watching Baby Einstein and Mickey Mouse.
  • You like to pull and play with hair, including your own.  And speaking of hair, you got your 5th hair cut this month.  Daddy takes you to Family Barber with him.
  • You had an ear infection and the stomach bug this month. :(
  • You are as strong as a bull.  When you slap or hit or get out!  One night at supper your high chair was pulled up to the table with us.  You reached and reached until you grabbed the extra chair and started pulling it.  It was like you were lifting weights picking it up and setting it down.  I mean, you are crazy when you go after something!
  • You are keeping me on my toes, but I am loving every minute of it!  You are my love, love, love!

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