Monday, June 11, 2012

7 Months

I'm 7 months old!

Oh, those eyes!

Sweet Rhett,
Words cannot describe how much we love you!  You bring so much joy to each and every day!  I hope I can always remember how happy and sweet and easy you are right now...I might need to draw off of these times one day when you are ornery and rambunctious like your Daddy.  Ha!  There are lots of new things to report this month.  Here's what you've been up to:
  • You just keep getting bigger and bigger.  You probably weigh between 23 and 24 pounds.  And you must be getting longer too!  You are especially long could use some more room in the stride of almost every outfit I put on you whether it's 9 months or 12 months.  You constantly have a diaper wedgie.  Ha!
  • You are loving the new foods you have gotten to try!  So far you have loved green beans, peas, carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes. You eat rice cereal for breakfast and a veggie for supper.  I can't imagine how much you will enjoy the fruits when we get to them.  You are still drinking four 8 oz. bottles.
  • You cut your first tooth this month...bottom right.  Finally!  It seems like you have been drooling and chewing and cutting that tooth your whole life!
  • We found out you are allergic to penicillin.  Nooo more 'cillin for you EVER!  Dr. Smith said we need to avoid any antibiotics for as long as possible.  Hope we can keep you well!
  • You can reach your arms up when you want me to pick you up!  It is so sweet!
  • You can roll from tummy to back!  Still lazy going from back to tummy.
  • You can sit without support.  The only time you topple over is if you reach too far for something and lose your balance.
  • You are so, so strong.  When you want something, it's like wrangling a bull to keep you away from it. 
  • And then you have a death grip on whatever you're holding.  You think it's funny when I pull and shake your arm to try to get something out of your hands.  You just keep holding tight until I pry your fingers away...this happens very often with my hair!
  • You almost lunge forward when you reach for things.  It's like you think you can get up and walk or crawl to it.  I think you will be on the move soon.  You can already move yourself around on your tummy.
  • You wake up so happy, talking and playing in your crib.  You are an amazing your crib, in the car, in the stroller!  The only time you refuse to go to sleep is when we are at church.  You are sometimes fussy on Sunday mornings because you need your nap, but you are too busy trying to look around or talk to people or find something to play with.  I wrestle you during Bible class trying to rock and pat and get you to go to sleep.  And then I get tired and hand you off to your Daddy, and he can get you to sleep.  Your sister was the same way.  She would never give it up and go to sleep in a public place.  I guess since y'all stay home with me you are spoiled to your routine and your naptime in your room, rocking with Mama, with the noise machine, in your crib.  That's okay with me!  I don't mind planning our days around nap schedules...especially if the result is happy, rested children!
  • You have the best giggles!
  • You are talking alot now.  You move your mouth like you want to say something. You have been saying "ra, ra, ra" for a while, and lately it sounds more like "da, da, da."  It isn't the distinct dadada sound that ME made, but I really think we can count it as your first word/sound!
  • You get so excited and tickled when you watch your sister act silly around you.  It's like you just want to get up and run with her.
  • She read you a book for the first time this month, but she had to stop alot to say, "No, baby Rhett."  You are still rough with books and are more interested in eating them than looking and listening.
  • You put EVERYTHING in your mouth!  Your sister never did that, so I am going to have to be so careful with you.  She licked stuff at this age to test it out, and when she got older she could spot a speck on the floor a mile away.  But she didn't eat anything, she just picked stuff up and brought it to me.  Twice this month you have freaked me out with what you have gotten in your mouth.  Once in Target, you were in your carseat in the buggy, so I have no idea how you did it, but you got a hold of a pair of bathing suit bottoms, tore the sticker out of the crotch, and had it in your mouth chewing it.  Gross, I know!  I had to dig it out.  Yuck!  Then one morning in church I handed you ME's cardboard flip book to play with while I helped her clean up the crayons she had spilled.  You were in my lap with a paci in, and by the time we had cleaned up you had spit out your paci and chewed a corner off of the booklet.  It was gone!  I spent the whole rest of church worried it was stuck in your throat.  I even located Dr. Argo in the audience in case I needed someone to do the Heimlich...another thing I couldn't remember from infant CPR.
  • Your hair is crazy!  You got your third haircut this month.  This one was at the real barber shop.  Your daddy had to take the Bumbo!
  • You have the thickest feet and hands, yummiest leg roles, and almost a sleeve of fat on your arms, not to mention your belly and booty and cheeks.  I mean I could eat you UP!
  • You are so, so sweet boy, and Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!  I could just cry you are growing up so fast...please slooow down!


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