Mary Ella,
I can't believe we are so close to your first birthday! I still think of you as my little baby, but actually you are growing up so fast! You are full of energy and spunk. This month has been a blast! You keep me on my toes all day long because you are moving EVERYWHERE and want to get into EVERYTHING. You make me smile, laugh, and wonder what I ever did to deserve a daughter as sweet and smart and beautiful as you. I could just hold and love and kiss on you all day. You're too busy for that though! But sometimes when you fall asleep while we rock before bed I hold you a little longer, kiss you a little more, and love you with all my heart. Happy 10th month baby girl! Here's what you've been up to:
- You weigh 23 1/2 lbs. and are 28 1/2 in. long. These are according to at-home measurements so they might be a little off.
- Your diet is the same as last month, except I'm trying to give you some real food a little at a time. You are having a hard time with different textures and don't like any of the chunky baby foods. You would rather have smooth baby food than something to have to move around and chew in your mouth. It's pretty dramatic because you gag like you're choking, when really you just need to chew and swallow. It's funny because you hate to get something stuck on your tongue. You have started reaching in to try to rake off whatever it is. Foods you have tried are: blueberries, raspberries, cereal bar, rice, refried beans, tortilla, toast, peas, shredded cheese, and ice cream. Random, I know, but your really liked the cheese, and of course, ice cream.
- You sleep like a champ when you're in your crib. I love to hear and watch you put yourself to sleep and then wake up chattering and playing in your bed. The only time you don't sleep well is when we travel. We're going to Orlando in July, so I'm a little worried how you will sleep.
- You are a busy, busy bee. Right after you turned 9 months old you started crawling on your hands and knees, and now you can go so fast. You have discovered that rooms have doors that lead to other rooms, and you are beginning to explore. You have discovered that drawers and cabinets open and have things in them. You can pull up and stand using a wall, much less furniture or a person. You are being brave and standing with one hand free. The other day you stood up using the side of your kiddie pool and let go with both hands and just stood there for a few seconds!
- You are SO strong! It's getting to be a work-out to hold or carry you anywhere.
- Like I said, you are getting into everything, which means I have to re-direct or say "no, no" quite a few times in a day. You know what "no" means and have started shaking your head when I say it or when you know you shouldn't do something. Most of the time you look at me, smile, and stop the action, but sometimes you squint your eyes and try again. Or sometimes you cry and start kicking your legs. This doesn't happen often, but it must stop NOW.
- You no longer enjoy getting your diaper changed. Again, there is kicking and fussing when I lay you down, but you are easily distracted by a tickle, a silly song, or a bottle of Beaudreaux's Butt Paste.
- You still love bathtime and brushing your teeth. You get excited when you see your toothbrush and toothpaste and open your mouth wide.
- You LOVE to swim and be in the water! You are like a little fish! I am so happy about this because we are spending time almost everyday at the pool.
- Books are fun! Right now you love a "Butterfly Kisses" book that has a puppet to go with it. And you love your "First One Hundred Words" book. You can point to the yellow ducks which I really think comes from our trips to the pond to see the real ducklings. You can point to the cat for Ginger. And for some reason you point out the broccoli on the vegetable page.
- You are talking like crazy! "Ma ma" finally came this month, and I couldn't be happier! You still say "da da" all day long and more sounds are: na, no, di, do, ba, pa, sh, ja, ju. Sometimes it sounds like you try to say "drink" or "juice" and "done," and I really think you say something for "shoe." Is it possible your first official word will be zhue for shoe? I guess I'm trying to look past the "no, no, no" and shaking of the head that went on in Fayetteville after I put you in the carseat one too many times. Ha!
- You are so good anywhere we go. As long as there's something to do or people to watch, you are easily entertained. I don't really have to entertain you at home either- you pretty much entertain yourself. You are happy playing wherever we are with whatever is available.
- You can clap your hands, which is the cutest thing. I love to say "Yay, Mary Ella!" and see you smiling and clapping your hands. And sometimes you will clap my hand to give me five.
- Your kisses are the sweetest things ever, and you will usually give them away when someone asks.
- It seems like you are trying or doing something new everyday, and we love watching you grow! But it would be okay with me if you would slow down just a little!
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