Happy Easter from the

Friday Brad took off after lunch and we headed to
Springdale for the weekend. Gigi and Papa were so excited to see Mary Ella! That night all the
fam came over for Guido's Pizza- our favorite. That used to be Brad and my Thursday night ritual, but now we have it on Friday nights when we go home. Saturday morning we got up and met Aunt Lisa at the
Fayetteville Botanical Gardens for some Easter photos with the cousins. Aunt Lindsay brought Reese and Eli's bunny. You can see him in the next picture in the basket with Mary Ella. She was grabbing his ears and digging into his fur with both hands. It's a good thing it was a good natured bunny!

Anna and Trey

Eli and Reese

After the pictures Gigi and I took Mary Ella to the mall to see the Easter bunny. Something I almost forgot to do! She fell asleep in the car and slept through the wait in line. We had to wake her up right before we shoved her onto the bunny's lap, so I was a little worried she might get upset. But the silly girl stuck her tongue out and smiled big for the camera! Brad met us at the mall, and we did a little shopping. He found a new Polo suit on sale at Dillard's. Happy Easter to Daddy! From there, Gigi took Mary Ella home, and Brad and I had an afternoon date at the ballpark. We went to see Arkansas beat Kentucky. It was a great game! We really miss going to
Razorack baseball games. It was something we LOVED to do when we lived there. That night Joe grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, and we hung out with the
fam again. The Easter bunny visited the kids while we were there! Mary Ella got a Peter Rabbit book, a new toy, a lamb wash
mit, some cash, and candy. Aunt Julie gave her the cutest springy dress, and Aunt Lindsay made her 3 flower bows. Sunday we went to church and got to see lots of old friends. Mary Ella got passed up and down the pews. And I have to say there was a little Cobb boy FLIRTING with Mary Ella. After that, we all headed to Gigi and Papa's for Easter lunch. Rita put on quite the spread!

First of many family Easter pics

The kid table at lunch. Then they were off to hunt Easter eggs!

Anna was so proud she found the golden egg! After the kids found all the eggs, they got the candy out, and went back out to hide them for the adults to find. That "adult" turned out to be Mike and only Mike. He is such a good Daddy! Later, Anna said hiding the eggs was her favorite part.

Reese and Eli were really into it this year.

Trey- I couldn't get a good picture because he was so on the move!

Sweet Eli

Checking out their loot with Cole and Hannah

Mary Ella and
Trey riding the fire truck.

Papa got in on the fun!

And one more time in the basket...
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