23 Weeks Old
Guess who he's looking at?
Mary Ella's first French braid
Rhett can finally grab his toes!
It's hard for a big boy, you know. ;)
She wanted her picture made before nap time too.
ME and I shared a dentist appointment this week. She did great for the hygienist and Dr. Dillon! So proud of her!
We had the best time playing outside this week! The weather was gorgeous! Every day we did something outside- bubbles, chalk on the concrete, taking walks, riding bikes, feeding the baby geese, playing in the playhouse.
He looks stout doesn't he?
ME perfected riding her tricycle this week. Sometimes she won't let you help her and just wants to learn to do things on her own. This was one of those times. She still hasn't figured out how to steer and has had a few wrecks, but boy can she pedal fast!
Saturday was Miles's birthday party at Pump it Up. It was the first time ME tried the big slides. She needed alot of help and encouragement from her new "friend" in the picture. He helped take her up one time, and she needed him every time to make it down. ;)
We can't wait to play with Addison this summer!
Birthday boy
Saturday night we went to a crawfish boil and fish fry at the Marsman's. It was so fun! We love our Madison church family!
Rhett was so good and enjoyed being outside.
ME ran around like a wild woman! She was covered in dirt from head to toe by the end of the night.
Rhett's outfits and ME's hairdos are killing me! LOVE it all!