Monday, April 30, 2012

Red and White Game

We are in Fayetteville again! Brad is working in Oklahoma City, Muskogee, and at the Fayetteville VAs next week, so we came along for a visit. The timing was great because we got to go to the red and white game on the Hill on Saturday.

The kids looked so cute in their Razorback gear. This pic is precious even though it is blurry.

Rhett had a dirty diaper, and I was trying to get one last pic of him in his Seven jeans (Gigi barely got them on him they were so tight). So I was going to leave the top and change him into shorts after a quick diaper change, but it turned into a whole wardrobe change and another bath and a changing of the bed for Gigi...he had pooped almost up to his neck and it got everywhere! Yuck! I guess those jeans really were too tight! Ha! Anyway, we passed them down (or up) to his cousin that is a year older. And Gracie girl even has some room to grow in them! Crazy!

Wooo pig!



Here are some pics from my iphone while we were one campus.  ME was running to the stadium!

When we got back home the kids played outside, took turns riding the four wheeler and swinging in the hammock.

It was a beautiful day!

And this was the day Brad got to meet Gracie. ;)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

24 Weeks

24 Weeks Old
Those eyes are going to keep him out of trouble and probably get him into some too! ;)
But I am a sucker for a Southern boy in seersucker!

This week flew by! Nothing too exciting happened, but never a dull moment around here! One thing I want to remember is that this was the week Rhett started to enjoy storytime. We tried to get back into it last week, but I didn't know it had been cancelled. When we got there Mary Ella was sooo disappointed. So disappointed that I called the Ridgeland library to see if they were having it, and it was cancelled there too. There's nothing much that a trip to the park can't cure, so that's what we did instead until lunch time with Daddy. Anyway, this week Rhett's eyes were glued to Ms. Lizzie the WHOLE time. It won't be long before he will insist on getting out of the carrier so he can participate too! Also, I want to remember that ME asks every day, "Is it church time today? Are we going to church time?" She loves it so much, and that makes my heart happy! This Wednesday night after services I caught her and Corbin in their classroom getting into the animal crackers. Busted!
This picture cracks me up! It is SO them! Rhett's like "give me something to eat" and ME is just a big, silly mess!

I love this little stinker!

Fun with Emma

Today Emma came over to play while her mama attended a JDRF luncheon. Mary Ella was so excited to have some playtime with her friend! It is so sweet that they look forward to seeing one another and finally get what it means to play together. And it is sweet music to my ears to hear them laughing together. I think they played with every toy in ME's collection, but they were so sweet to clean it all up afterward. ;) When Rhett woke up from his morning nap, I threw them all in the wagon, and we walked to both ponds to look for the baby ducks or baby geese. They must have been in hiding, so we had to settle for two adult mallards. They weren't very interested in eating our bread, but the girls still had fun trying!

Emma came with the bandaid on and apparently no boo boo underneath. Shelley told me she just chose to wear it and her shoes on the wrong feet. Ha! Every girl likes to make a fashion statement. ;)
I think Emma enjoyed feeding the ducks! :)
"I'm all out of bread."
Look at ME sharing with her friend...oh, did we have a talk about this before Emma came over! ;)
That was quite a throw!
All done.
Sweet girls

I found a small piece of shade for Rhett while we fed the ducks.
We came home for lunch and more playtime. I should have gotten my camera out for the fashion show that went on when they got into the dress-up clothes. The band-aid came off for that one! ;) We love you, Em! Come back and play soon!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

23 Weeks

23 Weeks Old

Guess who he's looking at?


Mary Ella's first French braid

Rhett can finally grab his toes!

It's hard for a big boy, you know. ;)

She wanted her picture made before nap time too.

ME and I shared a dentist appointment this week. She did great for the hygienist and Dr. Dillon! So proud of her!

We had the best time playing outside this week! The weather was gorgeous! Every day we did something outside- bubbles, chalk on the concrete, taking walks, riding bikes, feeding the baby geese, playing in the playhouse.

He looks stout doesn't he?

ME perfected riding her tricycle this week. Sometimes she won't let you help her and just wants to learn to do things on her own. This was one of those times. She still hasn't figured out how to steer and has had a few wrecks, but boy can she pedal fast!

Saturday was Miles's birthday party at Pump it Up. It was the first time ME tried the big slides. She needed alot of help and encouragement from her new "friend" in the picture. He helped take her up one time, and she needed him every time to make it down. ;)

We can't wait to play with Addison this summer!

Birthday boy

Saturday night we went to a crawfish boil and fish fry at the Marsman's. It was so fun! We love our Madison church family!

Rhett was so good and enjoyed being outside.

ME ran around like a wild woman! She was covered in dirt from head to toe by the end of the night.

Flying her kite with Daddy while the crawfish were boiling

This face cracks me up!

She was interested in the crawfish, so Jan and Brian helped her have a look.

Not too sure

The she wanted to touch it.

Then she wanted to hold it.

Then she got pinched. Ouch!

Sunday I dressed both kids in precious yellow outfits. I wanted to get a good pic, and this is what I got.

Rhett looks like he stayed up too late at the crawfish boil!

We had a busy, but fun weekend! Rhett passed out before he even finished his bottle Sunday night.