Thursday night we took Mary Ella to the Fayetteville square to see the Lights of the Ozarks. The square has special meaning in our family because that is where Brad proposed on December 7th, eight years ago. Let me tell you the story... It was a Saturday, and we were planning on having dinner with friends and going to Kappa Kissmass (a sorority function) that night. What I did not know was that Brad had bought a ring (that day) and was planning on proposing (that night). He's not one to wait around with a gift. When my friends decided not to go, I called Brad and told him we weren't going. It was my senior year, so I was kind of over the parties and he never cared much about going to them, but he seemed really disappointed. He called me back and said we should just dress up and go out to eat anyway since I had a new dress. We had dinner at Mary Maestri's, and then I suggested we go see the lights (totally fit into his plan, AND I thought it was my idea that we were going up there). Before we left he said, "Shouldn't you go to the bathroom before we leave?" I thought I probably should, and while I was gone he made a phone call to let his family know we were on our way. So, we get to the square, and we're walking around and run into his aunt WITH her camera, which I think is a total coincidence. Still clueless about what's happening I say, "Oh, Lisa will you take some pictures of us?" We pose for a few pics, and he pulls me over to a bench where we sit down for more pictures. Then he gets down on one knee, and I can't remember what he says, but I say yes! Then his parents and grandparents come out from hiding and bring flowers and lots of hugs. It was the sweetest night, and I love that I have pictures of my reaction and the whole thing. I even have one of us sitting on the bench, and he's reaching in his pocket to get the ring. So special! We try to go back every year and reminisce, and this year was even more special because we had our little girl with us. Anyway, this night we had dinner on Dickson Street at Hammontree. They specialize in gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. It was so good I have already been back for seconds. I love the brie/gouda/sliced apples with plum jam sandwich. Sooo good! Anyway, ME has had a runny nose, so she wasn't at her best, but she still got excited about the lights. It was beautiful as always and brought back a precious memory! Enjoy the pictures!
A new season of Therapy & Theology is here!
4 weeks ago
I love her little red coat!