Sunday, September 6, 2009

Four Weeks

Four Weeks Old

Sweet profile

Going for a stroll around the neighborhood
This week we got out and about. Our first trip out on our own was to Walgreens for diapers on Tuesday. Woo hoo! Then we got brave and went to have lunch with Daddy on Wednesday. The weather was beautiful, so we took a couple walks around the neighborhood too.

Sunnin' on the patio
Mary Ella LOVES to be outside. Sometimes this is the only way Mommy gets to eat her lunch. She doesn't love her bouncy seat, but she will sit in it awhile if she's outside or looking out the window. If she's fussy going outside is a sure cure.

Napping with Mommy

This week my cousins Jeff and Diana came to visit Mary Ella. They came bearing some very special gifts. In this picture with Diana she is wearing a one hundred year old dress. It belonged to Diana's mother, and it is BEAUTIFUL. The lace detail is amazing. We will have to have some professional portraits made in it. They also brought another vintage bunny outfit from the 30's and an original Madeline print by Bemelman. These were just a few things hanging around their house! Thanks Jeff and Diana for such thoughtful gifts. We enjoyed your visit!

A close-up

This week we tried napping in her crib. She loves sleeping on her side.

And her tummy. Don't worry people, I am watching her closely.

Getting some exercise on her play mat. I know it wasn't on purpose, but she actually grabbed a giraffe hanging abover her head and pulled it off!


Happy girl

We are also working on some tummy time, because Aunt Julie, the OT, says so. But this is what usually happens. She kicks around a little bit, grunts, raises her head a time or two, and then finds a comfy position and doesn't move. We'll keep working on it!


  1. I can't believe how big she's getting. It's also hard to believe she's a month old now. She's beautiful!!!

  2. Mary Ella is so precious! I love all of her outfits! I'm glad you like Arkansas!
