Friday, March 23, 2012

Rhett Meets Granny Dewey

While we were in NWA we took Rhett and Gracie to meet their Great-great grandma Dewey. She likes fat babies, so the big boy was a hit!

Granny Dewey loves her babies!

20 Weeks

20 Weeks Old

He was mid-sentence in this picture! ;)

The first few days were beautiful in NWA, but then it started raining and rained and rained and rained. We found fun things to do inside and out! We played in Gigi and Papa's yard and on the porch, met the cousins at the playground at Lake Fayetteville and Pinewood, went to Chuck E. Cheese, visited the new Crystal Bridges Museum, shopped at our fav places, ate the best food, and tried to spend as much time with Gracie as possible.

Saturday, Papa washed and readied the pink car for spring! And my car too. Thanks, Papa!

Love these pics by the yellow blooms...

This is ME's version of a bow.

The first of the rainy days at CEC...

ME really got into Whack-a-Mole!

Big cousin story time

The Cheese wore him out!

One rainy day, Trey came over and we made an Easter bunny house, the Easter equivalent of a gingerbread house. They were so proud of themselves!

Rhett supervised.

Trey's side

ME's side

They are so sweet together! We had a great time with the fam. Mary Ella and Rhett got to enjoy an extra week while Mommy and Daddy took a trip to LA. Can't wait to hear what they got into while we were gone!

Playtime with Gracie

Look what Juju and Mike brought Mary Ella from China! All of the cousins got Chinese dresses or pajamas and all of the girls got pearls purchased by the string and strung by hand. And Brad got one of the drum things on Karate Kid II. Ha! Thanks for thinking of us!

Friday we spent some playtime with Gracie at the playground. She was sooo sleepy, but still so much fun! It's hard when you're still on China time!

Mary Ella looks ginormous next to her! We were happy to pass down all of ME's clothes, and she is so tiny it looks like she will get lots of wear out of most of them. Gracie is 16 months old, and she is wearing clothes from ME's first spring and summer before she turned one. And she has a tiny, tiny foot....size 2. It's funny because she looked kind of chunky in the pictures we saw of her at the orphanage, but it was because she was dressed in so many layers. She was literally dressed in 6 layers of clothes when Julie and Mike got her. They brought the whole pile home, and it is amazing. Apparently they think getting too cold can cause all kinds of ailments. Their guide while they were in China told Michael he got the stomach bug because he must have gotten too cold. I'm pretty sure it was the crazy food that messed up his system...don't think they will be eating Chinese food at home anytime soon!

Gigi and Papa were so happy to have all SEVEN of their grandchildren home at the same time!

Rhett's first time to swing...not too sure at first

Hey, this is fun!

Trey and Anna are going to make the best big brother and sister team ever!